Having a baby in the UK
Edit 11/12/2021: Even though it wasn’t the kind of birth I had envisaged, I’ve always felt fully supported and listened to by health care staff. And especially after my positive second birth I’ve found my peace with how it all went. It’s 4am in the morning on the 31st of May and I wake up to go for a wee. Still half asleep, I feel a popping sensation in my belly and I can’t seem to stop weeing. That must be it, my waters have broken!
How to find a job in the UK
The things you have time for while on maternity leave: writing a blog post on how to find a job in the UK! I moved to Cambridge in September 2015 and I thought I’d just give you a bit of an insight how the job hunt went for me, especially during the first 1 ½ years of living here.
What I’ve learned about the British since moving to the UK
It has been two and a half years now since I moved to Great Britain, so I think it’s time to talk about all the odd and funny habits people have in this country and the cultural differences I’ve observed. When I left Germany I thought that things can’t really be much different, as the UK is a European country with a Western culture and it’s just a two-hour flight away from Germany.